Community-Based Heritage Language Schools News
Our fourth Coalition Café will be held on Monday, April 8 at 8:00 pm EST via Zoom, and it will focus on Grant Writing and Fundraising for community-based HL schools!
Community-Based Heritage Language (CBHL) schools work outside the mainstream U.S. education system, they create a specific teaching environment, and they also need to find their own ways to fundraise and seek financial support. CBHL schools are also very diverse. One size does not fit all in terms of funding. In this café, 3 case studies will illustrate this diversity, describe some approaches used, and suggest fundraising activities that school leaders can engage in. Come share your experience and learn from others! Register here and share our Facebook Event.
June 10-13, 2024
University of California, Irvine
The Heritage Language Research Institute serves as a venue that brings together researchers, practitioners, and graduate students fostering the presentation and discussion of current developments in the field of heritage language studies. Register by June 2, 2024
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