
The most spoken languages besides English and Spanish in US states

The most spoken languages besides English and Spanish in US states

Wordfinder X article article cites there are 350-430 languages are spoken in USA. Hungarian unfortunately does not show, as traditional immigrant groups are now dissolved and people moved  accross the country. It is estimated, however, amit 1.2M Americans have Hungarian heritage who may not all speak Hungarian at home :(.

The Most Spoken Languages by City Besides English Spanish in the Western US

The Most Spoken Languages by City Besides English Spanish in the Southwestern US

The Most Spoken Languages by City Besides English Spanish in the Midwestern US

The Most Spoken Languages by City Besides English Spanish in the Southeastern-US

The Most Spoken Languages-by-City-Besides-English-Spanish-in-the-Northeastern-US

The Most Spoken Languages Besides English Spanish in New York City

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